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Astrology and horoscopes concept. Astrological zodiac signs in circle on starry background.
Astrology and horoscopes concept. Astrological zodiac signs in circle on starry background.

General Daily Insight for July 16, 2024

You’re creating your stability. Thanks to the emotional Moon trining the confident Sun at 11:04 am EDT, healing moments with close friends or family members are abundant. It’ll be easier to make solid plans that only a chosen few know about. However, the Moon then faces off with out-of-the-blue Uranus and passionate Mars, bringing a shock that may shake our foundations. We are capable of finding peace within ourselves as Luna collaborates with spiritual Neptune. Be the calm harbor in the storm.


March 21 – April 19

You’re making plans that not everyone is going to comprehend. You might find more understanding from your family or people who’ve been in your life for a long time, because they’re more likely to understand why you do what you do. Some may see your life as being too stagnant or rigid in one area, but you understand the value of building personal security that will benefit you further down the line. It’s okay to think today about what you’ll need tomorrow.


April 20 – May 20

A confidant might emerge from an unlikely place. You might previously have thought that you and this person didn’t have much in common, until you started to talk to them about more serious aspects of your life. Even if the details are dissimilar, their motivations could be right in tune with yours. This is a great time to create alliances and network with people who could boost you toward the finish line of a major goal. Sometimes all you need is one cheerleader!


May 21 – June 20

You might begin to see fruit from seeds you planted in the past. Others may be surprised if these were things you didn’t tell everyone about. When they see the fruits of your labor without having noticed the work that took place behind the scenes, you could hear claims that you’re experiencing overnight success or that your rewards were handed to you on a platter. The truth is that you don’t have to convince them of your truth. They’ll believe whatever they want anyway!


June 21 – July 22

Creativity may bring unexpected healing. Maybe you’ve been dabbling in creative pursuits just for fun, but putting your heart on a canvas or writing stream-of-consciousness thoughts are both great ways to process your feelings. You don’t have to become a career artist in order to take advantage of this, either. In fact, you can find amazing insights by doing something you consider yourself “bad” at! Without putting too many rules on yourself, make something new — and, most importantly, make it YOU.


July 23 – August 22

Spiritual guidance may come in the form of family connections. You might be reaching out for support from someone in your family or a friend who’s been in your life for ages. Without even sharing specific current details, you may learn some surprising information about them that is eerily close to what you yourself are experiencing. Whether this is from their past or your shared present, do your best to hold space for what they have to say — for your benefit and theirs.


August 23 – September 22

Delights are doubled when shared! In the past, you might not have felt comfortable with the people around you, even if you were supposed to relate to them. While you might not have thought of those people as being negative or malicious, it would have been hard to engage with a community that diverged from your preferences or values in a major way. It simply wouldn’t have nourished your growth in the way your current circle can. Embrace those who are embracing you.


September 23 – October 22

Stable decisions today will be the bedrock of your future. You may have historically struggled to make a decision without interviewing a panel of peers to see what they thought about your situation. In this moment, you probably don’t have others to ask! Even if loved ones would love to advise you, the choice might need to be made in a split second, leaving you no time to reach out. You have the answer within you already — you just have to look.


October 23 – November 21

Outsiders might not know how to receive the new you. You might not think that you’re all that different from how you used to be, but the ways in which you have changed are probably significant enough that it could be all that they can see for the moment. It’s something that the people who are meant to stay in your life ought to get used to, while others may drift from your life. The rewards of walking your unique path should be worth it.


November 22 – December 21

You could be taking a leap of faith. There might be a lot of uncertainty involved with a decision that you are making. Would you be shocked to learn that some people are competing with you or even working against you to try and prevent your success? This doesn’t mean that you’re doing something wrong, of course. On the contrary, these might be enemies who don’t want you to recognize all that you have to provide to the world. Walk with confidence.


December 22 – January 19

Power can be found by collaborating, as long as you’re willing to stay flexible. Look out for the temptation to grab control of this cooperative project, as your talents will currently be more useful when you act as a team player here. If you want to take on more responsibilities, that’s valid, but avoid elevating your importance above that of others. That could greatly hinder your success by making it more difficult for peers to communicate with you. Keep an open dialogue and even footing.


January 20 – February 18

You’re making plans to achieve a goal, but your history may get in the way. Events or people from your past could pop up like surprise potholes on the road to your success. Attempts to expand your horizons or improve your life are in particular danger. Both jealous cynics and empathetic supporters might make themselves known at any moment! Don’t hesitate to set down any negative habits or cut off bitter frenemies. Those things will only hold you back from your dreams.


February 19 – March 20

Really hearing yourself can teach you things you never knew. You might have spent quite a bit of time learning about the world or other people in your life as of late. These are valuable pursuits, but not when you’ve been neglecting to check in with yourself along the way. Consider spending some time in solitude and asking these questions that you’ve been asking everyone else to yourself, either through a journal or through meditation. The path forward may become clearer than ever.