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A victory by the Old Dominion women's tennis team at Iowa State highlighted Saturday's swath of action off the basketball court.

The Buzz is a weekly question about an issue affecting the residents of Hampton Roads.

This week’s question: What’s one way to promote greater civility in the public discourse?

Be able to give compliments to the other side. If nothing is ever “good” or “worthy” about the other side, then we will have uncivil discourse.

Melinda Webb, Hampton

The tone of public discourse is set by leaders we chose; elevating “my way or the highway” egotists defy who we are. Until “We the People” remember we are an evolving collection, recall the powerful opportunities granted us through compromise and chose character over sound bites we are doomed.

Dave McGinnis, Williamsburg

A variety of ways, such as education and a course in high school civics, help. A course in American history is very important. Reading and travel do broaden the mind.

Robert Neely, Newport News

Civility must be practiced by all concerned. I do not believe that electronic messaging promotes civility, and rather permits individuals to spread hate and misinformation and hide in anonymity. I have greater faith in “Letters to the Editor” where the author must sign his real name and community of origin.

Ross Kearney, Hampton

As long as there are individuals who are clinging to the pathetic, inaccurate conspiracy theory that the election was rigged, there can be no civility. Civility cannot stand against that kind of delusional and disruptive thinking.

Larry Hollowell, Norfolk

Until the Ever-Trumpers accept the results of the election and the damage to our country, I fear it will not happen soon. The facts are on TV and in print every day. I pray that they see the danger ahead for all of us if they continue to support this man. This has got to stop now.

Ann L. Hunt, James City County

Using my road rage avoidance technique as an analogy; Take a breath, count to five, keep your eyes on the road ahead, keep both hands on the steering wheel (away from the horn), no middle fingers, no profanity, continue on your way. Try a similar approach during a contentious conversation.

Don Vtipil, Norfolk

Think first. Enunciate, Smile. Speak making eye-to-eye contact. Be concise, sincere and polite.

Toni Beacham, Williamsburg

I can speak up about pent-up frustrations that result in incivility. “Political correctness” does not allow openly discussing that liberal programs promote dependency and cause negative social behaviors among some in our people, who continue to be victims of programs that are supposed to “help.”

Joseph L. Bass, Suffolk

Take the words “those people,” “them” and “they don’t want to work” away from the conservative vocabulary. Teach civics in school. If you can get some folks out of their conservative echo chamber and start listening to folks of a different line of thought or color or religion or cultural background, you might get a little civility.

D.A. Willard, James City County

I’d like to see us look at some of the big insoluble arguments and the remote possibility (and likely impossibility) of winning them compared to our ability to get along in the world. Maybe there are solutions — a right side and a wrong side to the big questions — but nothing goes forward when we’re screaming at each other.

Mike Reynolds, Virginia Beach

In the image of a song: “Let there be civility on earth and let it begin with me.”

Warren E. Boisselle, Virginia Beach

Next week’s question: What do you think about some area school districts resuming in-person instruction?

Want to participate in The Buzz? Email to respond to this week’s question, propose a question or to join The Buzz mailing list. Include your first and last name and city of residence. Responses should be no more than 50 words and must be received by Tuesday, Feb. 9 at 5 p.m. Answers may be edited.

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