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Virginian-Pilot and Daily Press corrections policy

We have updated our corrections policy to help us be more transparent when we make mistakes and to standardize how we write and publish corrections. We are dedicated to reporting with fairness and accuracy, which means not only trying to avoid errors but being open and clear with readers when we do make mistakes. The updated policy is posted online below.


Virginia Media publications will protect our credibility with a vigorous commitment to accuracy. We will remedy, in a timely manner, all factual errors with a correction or clarification. If a reporter becomes aware of an error in their own or others’ published work, reporters have a responsibility to notify the author or their editor as soon as possible.

A correction is used when a fact in the story is wrong. A clarification is used to shed more light on something that is not incorrect but might not have shown the entire, clear picture of a given situation.

Correction steps

• When possible, the correction or clarification should be prepared by the staff member responsible for the error. (If it is a source error, the editor can decide who writes the correction.)

• The correction/clarification should be approved by that reporter/photographer’s team leader.

• A correction should clearly indicate what the error was unless doing so would unnecessarily perpetuate the error.

• If possible, be transparent with readers about the source of the error — whether it was a reporting, editing or source error, say so.
Publishing a correction is necessary but painful. Correcting a correction is significantly more so. Be sure to have your facts straight before publishing it.

Digital guideline

• Stories may evolve as we sharpen and improve them even after they have been published to the website. In cases where we know we will be adding information later in the day, note that the story is developing and will be updated. However, it is not necessary to put notes on stories stating they have been updated unless it is a substantive change.

• It is necessary to use a correction, clarification or editor’s note to inform readers whenever we correct a significant mistake.
When an error is found by a reader and posted to the comment stream, the audience engagement team should indicate in comments that it has been corrected.

• If we have sent out incorrect information in a mobile, desktop or email alert, we should send out an alert informing people that the news reported in the earlier alert was wrong and give readers the accurate information.

• When we publish erroneous information on social networks, we should correct it on that platform.